
MB News

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MBNews – It’s Happening!
MBNews is the official monthly publication of the Monument Builders of North America. The Issue date for MBNews is the first of every month.

Monument Builders of North America – Our Mission
To define and promote memorialization in a viable, innovative and diversified way for the membership and to enhance the awareness of memorialization by the general public and the remembrance industry.

WHO Reads MBNews?
MBNews’ mail-out circulation is nearly 1,000 copies. Its subscribers are MBNA members in North America with about 60 of those outside of North America. Members are primarily owners of monument retailing companies or Certified Memorialists® within a monument builder shop. These are the key people who buy and specify products and supplies—everything from granite, small hand tools used in the industry, to trucks and truck-mounted cranes. The companies range in size from one to two person operations to companies with 30 or more employees.

The pass-along readership is very good within these companies. Total readership of any monthly issue is estimated at up to 3,000 people who buy or specify products. In addition, because of the “art” aspects of memorials featured and the high quality of the magazine, readers tend to keep their copies available for future reference. Your ad placed in MBNews will receive great exposure over a long period of time.

WHY Do They Read MBNews?
Each month, MBNews focuses on bringing timely editorial content of high interest to its readers.

  • The latest and best in memorial art—from personalized memorials for individuals to largescale public memorials.
  • Information that will help readers in their day-to-day business operations.
  • Stories, columns and case studies with MBNA membership focuses on creativity, innovations, trends and a worldwide view of memorialization.
  • Features from Industry experts including “Tombstone Talk” from Perry Giles, CM of Giles Monument Company, “Remember the Greats” and “The Toolbox” discussing tips and tricks for shop employees.
  • Helpful resources, like this sample agent satisfaction survey.
  • PLUS—Important industry and association news.

We invite you to participate in the development of these special features for all our readers. Share your ideas and information. If you can contribute photos, tips, anecdotes or provide some good leads, please contact Don Mounce at mbnews@monumentbuilders.org or contact MBNA Headquarters at 800.233.4472.

MBNews 2024 Editorial Calendar

The North American Marketplace

Education & Training

WinMBNA/MBNA Annual Roster & Buyers Guide




Equipment & Technology

Member Benefits

Business Operations

Marketing, Publicity, Sales


Funeral Home Relationships

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Memorializing the life of a loved one is a difficult process. Finding a professional can make this process a lot easier. Create a monument that will preserve the story of a lifetime for generations to come by choosing a professional monument builder from North America's largest and most respected Monument association–the MBNA.

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